Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Crowdsourcing for Community Causes

As you’re well aware, community involvement is what the Jaycees do best. There’s nothing quite like giving back to the community: you make a difference in someone else’s life while enriching your own. But as much as we like to do community service, there’s often a hurdle that stands in the way: funding. No matter how much man power you have, you can only go so far without the proper funds. If your chapter’s go-to fundraising activities fall short, another option to consider is crowdsourcing.

So what is “crowdsourcing”? It’s the practice of obtaining resources from a large community, typically an online community. All you have to do is set up your crowdsourcing site and explain your cause – and donations can be made via credit card or PayPal, right into your fundraising coffers.

The first step is to find a good crowdsourcing platform, and these should get you off to a good start. Once you have your page setup, it’s extremely important to get the word out about it. Most people don’t sit on these crowdsourcing sites just looking for places to donate – so use your network (both social and real-life) to spread awareness for your cause. Share links on your social media pages. Email your page to professional contacts. The more visible your crowdsourcing page is, the more donations you’ll receive.

One last important consideration: crowdsourcing is not something you should abuse. While most people love to donate to a good cause when they can, it becomes exhausting when their social media newsfeed is constantly inundated with inquiries to donate. Crowdsourcing should be reserved for major community projects that require a lot of funding – not every activity your chapter plans.

Has your chapter used crowdsourcing to fund community projects in the past? What tips do you have for other Jaycees? Visit our Facebook page and share what’s worked for your chapter.

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