Wednesday, October 9, 2013

What Does Your Workspace Clutter Say About You?

Every office has one, the guy or gal that always seems to be just a step or two behind, frazzled, messy, and has a workspace that’s cluttered. He/she could be producing amazing work, but their reputation is going to remain as the messy, unorganized peer. Maybe a lack of organizational skills is the problem.

If your desktop hasn’t seen the light of day in a while, you might want to consider improving your organizational skills - not only for your own sanity, but to start doing damage control on your poor office reputation. Getting started is the hardest part, and this is where the seasoned vets at the Jaycees come in.

First, you need to physically organize your space. Every paper on your desk should have a home, whether that home is a folder, filing cabinet or outbox. Have any Post-it notes that have lost relevance long ago? Trash ‘em. Any crumbs or coffee cup rings on your workspace? Clean it ASAP. Once these tasks are complete, it will be a little easier to think.

Next, it’s necessary to get to the root of the problem: Why are you so darn messy? Are you lacking in time management skills? If this is the case, be sure to allocate yourself just a few minutes every day to help you keep a clean space.

Finally, it’s time to delve into your digital disorder. If you haven’t been diligently deleting unimportant interoffice emails (ahem, reply alls) or work-related items that are no longer important, it is time to clear that clutter as well. This will help cut down on time when you actually need to find something in your inbox. And this is where you can get the extra time you need to organize daily! Funny how things work, right?

Just remember that you are not de-cluttering just because it isn’t easy on the eyes. Improving your organizational skills will undoubtedly help you in the workplace AND it will give your co-workers and boss a much better impression (hello, promotion!). Do you have any organizational tips of your own? Visit our Facebook or Twitter pages and let us know!

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