Areas of Opportunity

In order to become well-rounded, active young citizens, Jaycee chapters design and implement activities that serve members and the community in four Areas of Opportunity: Business, Community, Individual, and International.

Business Opportunities

The Junior Chamber was established to give young people an active voice in the business community, and this area provides opportunities for individual members to contribute to the development and enhancement of the economic infrastructure, prosperity, and well being of their community and beyond. Almost all members of Junior Chamber are involved in some business activity – working on their own, for another company, or preparing to open their own business – so this area ensures they have the tools and skills to succeed. Activities in this area fall into the following commissions: Marketing & Public Relations, Strategic Planning, Financial Management, and Business Opportunities.

Community Opportunities

Like all citizens, Junior Chamber members have a stake in the betterment of their communities, so this area develops the sensitivity of individual members to societal problems, and knowledge of community dynamics in solving these problems, through actual experience. Activities in this area fall into the following commissions: Community Service, Community Fundraising, Government & Civic Involvement, and Children & Youth.


Individual Opportunities

Every single activity in the Junior Chamber organization is oriented to develop the potential and skills of individual members, but this area ensures that new members are brought into the organization and are provided with training to fully develop their personal and professional potential. Activities in this area fall into the following commissions: Personal Development, Professional Development, Membership Retention & Growth, and Chapter Activities.


International Opportunities

As part of a global organization, members require knowledge of different cultures and countries around the world, so this area provides opportunities for individual members to contribute to the development of goodwill, understanding, and cooperation among all people. Activities in this area fall into the following commissions: State, National, and International Involvement.