Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Trends in Communication for 2014

There’s a great article posted by the Public Relations Society of America that discusses the trends in 2014 that will shape how your workplace communicates, both internally and externally. As an organization dedicated to empowering young professionals to create positive change, the Jaycees strive to offer the education and training to build positive, proactive leaders within our communities. Staying informed about the latest trends will help you identify and set goals for success, and develop essential leadership skills for your future career path.

Dupont identifies fifteen key trends in 2014 (here are five of them as a teaser):

1. Remember the 1% - There will be a gap that companies must recognize between those who can adopt new technologies and those who cannot or refuse to. Organizations must communicate to both groups.

2. Beware of foot-in-mouth disease – Any comment made online or on video will live on eternally. Be careful what you say. Be careful what you say. Be careful what you say. Is that enough?

3. Smart replaces green – The new buzzword will be the evolution of green into smart. Technologies, housing, cars, energy - it’s all there.

4. Online video – As bandwidth continues to be increasingly used by companies such as YouTube, Netflix, and others, the future is in showing, and not just telling, why your business is superior.

5. Conversations rule – Even with all the new technology, people still trust face to face conversations and relationships more than just online interaction. Balance the equation.

Take a few minutes to check out the other trends for valuable insights into the communication strategies you will observe and utilize over the next year.
The Jaycees can help prepare you for workplace success. Take a look at our local chapter and JCI USA websites for valuable trainings, seminars, networking events, and conferences – all designed to help you become a more skilled professional. Share what you liked on our local and National Facebook and Twitter pages – we want to know what you’d like to see more of.

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