Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Jaycees and the Olympics

Once again it is time to celebrate the spirit of international competition and goodwill during the XXII Olympic WinterGames currently being held in Sochi, Russia. Athletes from almost 100 nations will compete in 98 events lasting nearly three weeks, from February 6th through the 23rd. Beyond the anticipation of being the most expensive Olympics ever, there is historical significance, as the Sochi Olympics will be the first held in the former Soviet Union since its breakup in 1991.

From our organization’s beginnings, we have been strong supporters of the US Olympic program at the local and national levels, through projects such as raisingmoney to help pay for training and related expenses, to individual Jaycees representingour country in competition.

As you watch these great competitors over the next couple of weeks, take a minute to think about the similarities that Olympic athletes have in common with the Jaycees. The Olympic motto is “Faster, Higher, Stronger,” and it’s a message that applies to life, in addition to a sporting event. To succeed, you must always work towards improvement – or in the words of the JCI slogan, “Be Better.”

The same spirit, dedication, and positive contribution that is inherent in these world-class competitors is also shown in the projects that our members design and implement, the trainings that help Jaycees become more professionally valuable, and the community service that assists the less fortunate among us. You can take a look at JCI’s Facebook and Twitter pages for some great examples.

As you cheer on athletes from around the world, use their efforts as the motivation to become active in your community. Check out how you can get involved with your local chapter, or see what the JCI USA is promoting. While you may not bring home a gold medal from donating your time to a needy cause, or volunteering to educate other Jaycees on a special skill, the rewards you feel and benefits to your community are even more medal-worthy.

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