Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Trends in Communication for 2014

There’s a great article posted by the Public Relations Society of America that discusses the trends in 2014 that will shape how your workplace communicates, both internally and externally. As an organization dedicated to empowering young professionals to create positive change, the Jaycees strive to offer the education and training to build positive, proactive leaders within our communities. Staying informed about the latest trends will help you identify and set goals for success, and develop essential leadership skills for your future career path.

Dupont identifies fifteen key trends in 2014 (here are five of them as a teaser):

1. Remember the 1% - There will be a gap that companies must recognize between those who can adopt new technologies and those who cannot or refuse to. Organizations must communicate to both groups.

2. Beware of foot-in-mouth disease – Any comment made online or on video will live on eternally. Be careful what you say. Be careful what you say. Be careful what you say. Is that enough?

3. Smart replaces green – The new buzzword will be the evolution of green into smart. Technologies, housing, cars, energy - it’s all there.

4. Online video – As bandwidth continues to be increasingly used by companies such as YouTube, Netflix, and others, the future is in showing, and not just telling, why your business is superior.

5. Conversations rule – Even with all the new technology, people still trust face to face conversations and relationships more than just online interaction. Balance the equation.

Take a few minutes to check out the other trends for valuable insights into the communication strategies you will observe and utilize over the next year.
The Jaycees can help prepare you for workplace success. Take a look at our local chapter and JCI USA websites for valuable trainings, seminars, networking events, and conferences – all designed to help you become a more skilled professional. Share what you liked on our local and National Facebook and Twitter pages – we want to know what you’d like to see more of.

Happy Valentine's Day!

With a great big hug, we offer our best wishes for a Happy Valentine’s Day! Traditionally, Valentine’s Day is believed to celebrate one or more Christian Saints named Valentinus who gave their lives to perform marriages deemed illegal by the Roman Empire in the late 400s. Celebrated by the West on February 14th, the day evolved in the 1700s to include the exchange of expressions of love and affection between individuals, and since the 1800s, has grown to include the expectation of a greeting card…minimum.

As Jaycees, we believe that Valentine’s Day is not only an excellent opportunity to show your love to those close to you, but also a chance to demonstrate your feelings for the well-being of your community by sponsoring or getting involved in a project. Your local chapter is a great place to share, learn, and work with others to develop ideas into clearly defined goals that promote positive leadership and change within your community (such as the United Nation’sMillennium Development Goals). Take a look at JCI’s gallery of recent Jaycee projects for some creative ideas and helpful tips on choosing and implementing the right venture for your group.

Michigan State President Jay Johnson commented on the value of getting involved with projects directed towards addressing local needs, “Community projects are an incredibly positive framework for promoting the values and mission of the Jaycees. Our members become more active and visible as leaders within their localities, and the community benefits with solutions to some of their real-life problems. Not only does it demonstrate that the Jaycees care, but it also encourages others to develop their own projects and get involved.”

Together with JCI USA,we are ready to provide you with the support and training to succeed with your next project. We’d love to hear about it first. Share your thoughts with the online community on our National Facebook and Twitter pages, or contact us locally to get started.
This Valentine’s Day take some time to think about not only the individual you love, but also your community and how it could benefit from some TLC. We’re excited to see your new ideas!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Jaycees and the Olympics

Once again it is time to celebrate the spirit of international competition and goodwill during the XXII Olympic WinterGames currently being held in Sochi, Russia. Athletes from almost 100 nations will compete in 98 events lasting nearly three weeks, from February 6th through the 23rd. Beyond the anticipation of being the most expensive Olympics ever, there is historical significance, as the Sochi Olympics will be the first held in the former Soviet Union since its breakup in 1991.

From our organization’s beginnings, we have been strong supporters of the US Olympic program at the local and national levels, through projects such as raisingmoney to help pay for training and related expenses, to individual Jaycees representingour country in competition.

As you watch these great competitors over the next couple of weeks, take a minute to think about the similarities that Olympic athletes have in common with the Jaycees. The Olympic motto is “Faster, Higher, Stronger,” and it’s a message that applies to life, in addition to a sporting event. To succeed, you must always work towards improvement – or in the words of the JCI slogan, “Be Better.”

The same spirit, dedication, and positive contribution that is inherent in these world-class competitors is also shown in the projects that our members design and implement, the trainings that help Jaycees become more professionally valuable, and the community service that assists the less fortunate among us. You can take a look at JCI’s Facebook and Twitter pages for some great examples.

As you cheer on athletes from around the world, use their efforts as the motivation to become active in your community. Check out how you can get involved with your local chapter, or see what the JCI USA is promoting. While you may not bring home a gold medal from donating your time to a needy cause, or volunteering to educate other Jaycees on a special skill, the rewards you feel and benefits to your community are even more medal-worthy.