Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Success in Business: 5 Leading Industries for Entrepreneurs

As children we dream about growing up to be firefighters, astronauts, veterinarians and pro athletes. Once we are settling into our careers, there is usually one job that we all still dream of...being the boss. If you have aspirations to own a business of your own one day, it’s important to have a well-thought-out plan. Perhaps the most important key to your success is selling a product that is in demand and will sell. According to Forbes Magazine, here are the five booming job industries in which entrepreneurs are seeing good fortune:
Internet and Data Services – This is probably an obvious choice as innovation in technology continues to emerge daily. Whether you’re an avid user or an occasional emailer, our lives are lives are becoming more and more dependent on online services. As this continues to grow, so will the need of tech-educated individuals.

Computer Systems and Software Services – Just think about daily tasks at your current job. How many times do you use a new program? Big data are usually a big part of our day-to-day activities in the workplace. Where there is innovation, there is a need for software to use or benefit from that breakthrough.

Accounting Services – New business = more opportunity for those in the accounting and audit services field. We’re seeing a constant change in rules and regulations that increases the need for more experienced accountants with an entrepreneurial drive.

Business Consulting – Do you already have experience starting your own business? Business consulting might be a smart next move for you. Having knowledge in creating business strategies, planning marketing campaigns and budgets is a tool that people are willing to pay high dollar for when they are beginning a business of their own.

Home Health Care According to the National Association for Home Care and Hospice, more than 12 million people receive home health care each year? The number will only continue to climb as baby boomers age and retire. Since replacements will be sought to fill these positions, the home health industry will see a spike in need.

Did you know that nearly 13 percent of Americans were starting or running new businesses in 2012? That’s the highest rate of entrepreneurship in the United States since 1999. If you’ve thought about going into business for yourself, now is the time to get started. Have advice for other Jaycees that would like to get started as an entrepreneur? Visit our Facebook or Twitter to share your thoughts.

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