Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Exploring the UN Millennium Development Goals: Part Two

Did you know that the Jaycees has officially been a partner with the UnitedNations since 1954? So it’s no wonder that our organization decided in 2003 to make the U.N.’s MillenniumDevelopment Goals (MDGs) the official public policy platform we support. In the past decade, the Jaycees has helped advance these time-bound goals that target poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation and discrimination against women. How exactly have we been doing our part to help the United Nations achieve their goals?

Every year, members of The United States Junior Chamber of Commerce organize thousands of projects that help raise awareness of the U.N.’s MDGs. At our Global PartnershipSummit, we join representatives from the United Nations to brainstorm workable solutions for our members to bring back and implement at their local chapters. Here are a few of the Jaycee events that local chapters have created to help the U.N. reach their 2015 goals:
  • Nothing but Nets US Jaycees, in partnership with the U.N. Foundation’sNothing But Nets campaign, has kicked-off a multi-city “BzzzTour” to encourage elected officials, chapters and communities throughout the country to continue the fight against malaria globally.
  • One Thing That’s Green – A New York Jaycees chapter participated in an EarthDay event earlier this year, supporting the sustainability goal of the U.N.’s MDGs. This is the fourth year that they have participated.
  • Can’t Stop the Serenity – The Mid-County Jaycees in St. Louis, Mo. are hosting the Can’t Stop theSerenity event in September. This affair promotes and protects the human rights of women around the world – another MDG. By encouraging gender equality, this chapter is doing their part to empower women.
Have you or your local chapter participated in a Leadership Summit? Does your chapter have an event that helps promote one of the eight U.N. Millennium Development Goals? Do you have a great idea that can help raise awareness? Visit our Facebook or Twitter and share your answers with us!

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