Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Exploring the U.N. Millennium Development Goals: Part One

The United States Jaycees has adopted the U.N. MillenniumDevelopment Goals as our public policy platform. The Millennium Development Goals – or MDGs – are eight ambitious goals set by the United Nations to address some of the most pressing needs here in the United States and also around the world. The U.S.Junior Chamber is doing our part to help the U.N. achieve the following goals:
  1. Ending poverty and hunger
  2. Universal education
  3. Gender equality
  4. Child health
  5. Maternal health
  6. Combat HIV/AIDS and other diseases
  7. Environmental sustainability
  8. Global partnership

Why exactly did the Jaycees choose to support the U.N.’s MDGs? The Jaycee Creed aligns specifically with what the United Nations is trying to accomplish worldwide, specifically, “…that Service to Humanity is the Best Work of Life!” We are happy and proud to be a part of the most successful global anti-poverty push in history.

With two more years to achieve the lofty goals set, there is still work to be done. While many Millennium Development Goals have or will be met by the 2015 deadline, progress in many areas is still short. Join the United Nations in their efforts by participating in events with your local Junior Chamberchapter. Tune in next week for details on how you can help!

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