Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Why “Real Talk” is Still Important in an E-Based World

Texting, emailing and social media – oh my! If you are like one of the billions of people that are online every day, whether for business or personal use, you have probably grown accustomed to meeting, conversing and doing business electronically. While the young professionals at The Junior Chamber concede that conducting business online makes life easier, there is no electronic substitute for face time (no, not even Facetime on your Mac) with your customers, colleagues and clients. What are the benefits of actually attending a meeting in-person rather than one over Skype or email?

  • Making an impression. How can you compliment someone’s new office building or give a solid handshake over a Google Hangouts meeting? Without face-to-face meetings, we miss out on different conversation starters that are likely to leave your client or customer with good memories and lasting impressions.
  • Create connections. Business calls are just that – business. We might go through the motions of the niceties: “Hi, how are you? Good, me too.” Sound familiar? When you meet someone in person, you naturally cement relationships with small talk that is much more personable and effortless than the white noise you may find in emails or calls. Notice some sports memorabilia in a new client’s office? Nothing can start off a great relationship like some friendly rivalries.
  • Body language is king. Forbes Magazine has recently reported that over half of our communication is nonverbal – stemming specifically from our body language. We’ve all dealt with clients that may tell you what you want to hear, only to ask for something different in the end. If you had an in-person meeting could you have saved a lot of time and money by reading their body language? Perhaps.
Innovation is what keeps the world going round and many members of The Jaycees will be the first ones you know with the latest and greatest in technology. While we embrace it, none of it can completely replace what you can get out of human contact. Do you prefer to conduct your meetings in person or electronically? Visit our Facebook page or follow us on Twitter to let us know which you prefer and why!

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