Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Getting What You Give – Being a Member of the Jaycees

Being a part of a professional networking organization is more than just meeting people and trading business cards. Members of the Jaycees are pillars of their communities and successful professionals. And with a little help from our organization, we can help you reach your full potential through the networking and personal growth opportunities we provide for all members nationwide.

The young professionals involved in the United States Junior Chamber have learned that you get what you put in – don’t expect just to join the Jaycees to boost your social life. Our members are active in their communities – supporting not-for-profit organizations in their community, directly helping individuals in need, mentoring younger professionals and more. By practicing these skill sets and pairing them with the networking opportunities available to them, our members develop the variety of skills necessary to become civic leaders.

The mission of our young professionals group – The Jaycees – is “to provide development opportunities that empower young people to create positive change.” If you are looking for an opportunity to make a change within your community while bettering yourself at the same time, consider a membership with our organization. Visit our Facebook , Twitter , LinkedIn and YouTube pages, or our website to find out more about us and chat with current members to hear firsthand what we are all about.

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